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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Kale Krisps

Kale Krisps   

I used to think that kale was something that was just used as a garnish in the seafood aisle at my grocery store.  I didn't know that you could actually eat it!  Funny, right?  Well, I have a newfound interest in kale and have been trying out a few things with it. This is a recipe that i made not too long ago and my kids ate it all up in a matter of minutes!   To make delicious kale krisps you will need:

massaging oil into leaves
*  a bunch of kale, washed and dried and ripped into larger than bite-sized pieces - no stems
*  olive oil to drizzle
*  various seasonings
flat on a cookie sheet
different flavors

Here is what you do:  Preheat oven to 250 degrees.  Put kale in a bowl, drizzle a little bit of olive oil onto the pieces - not too much but make sure enough to coat lightly.   Now for the flavors-
Use your imagination- experiment!
*  Try 1/2 a lemon's juice and salt
(sprinkle salt on right before going into oven)
So, massage oil and lemon into leaves, make sure you get it on each piece.
*  Or try chili powder... sprinkle it into the bowl, massage into leaves
*  Or try garlic powder (and salt) sprinkle garlic powder into bowl, massage into leaves, (salt right before it goes into the oven)
*  Or try salt and pepper, just massage olive oil into leaves, salt and pepper right before they go into oven

You want to lay them out onto a cookie sheet- don't overlap. Put cookie sheet into the oven at 250 degrees for at least 12 minutes... maybe up to 15 minutes - depending... you want to dry them out so that they crisp up... but not burn... might take a few tries to get the time perfected, but the main thing is to not burn them... They will be green, not brown or black and they will be thin and crispy and kind of flaky in a way... very yum.

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