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Friday, July 30, 2010

Monster Biscuits

Okay.   Decided today to finally start doing this....  jumping in.  Here I go.

I was deciding what i should make my lovely children for lunch today.  We're out of bread, so plain ole' pb&j's were out of the question.  Biscuits.  Yeah, i could do that...  but not just biscuits for lunch~ gotta dress these suckers up!
So I start with a basic biscuit recipe...

*  2 cups All Purpose Flour
*  1 tbsp Baking Powder  
*  1/2 tsp Salt
*  1/4 cup  Butter
*  3/4 cup  Milk

Just halfway melt the butter in a medium sized bowl in the microwave...  Then add rest of ingredients to the bowl and squish with your hands to make the dough... 
And now for the turning a biscuit into lunch part:
I added to the dough about a fourth cup each

*  chunked ham
*  diced onion
*  chopped mushroom
*  shredded cheddar

Once everything is mixed together, form balls about the size of the palm of your hand.  I was able to get nine all together.  Place the balls onto a cookie sheet and bake for about 20 minutes at 350 degrees.
These came out so good... the kids absolutely loved them.  I will definitely make these again.
Monster Biscuits

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